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Sins Of A Solar Empire Rebellion Minidump Fix

Sins Of A Solar Empire Rebellion Minidump Fix

I have picked the game up recently again after a long hiatus, and am having problems I didn't have before (I stopped playing a decent time before Rebellion was relesed).At fairly random intervals (of no greater than 20 minutes) the game crashes with a C runtime error window. The game is not at the point of lagging, my computer isn't even maxing itself out.


There are also instances of the game just outright closing, no runtime error window appears. This has been happening ever since I picked the game up again a week ago.I have searched online for answers and everything I find has no resolution for the issue, but they are all dated over 8 months ago. I am hoping that there has been a recent solution I just can't seem to find. Any help would be appreciated. 'Saved Minidump.' ?They happen occasionally, more often in multiplayer games and in larger games, but not more than once per 20 people.

1 game usually. If it's happening to you more frequently than once every few hours, the problem is most likely insufficient hardware, drivers, or video card, or so I've heard from others with similar experiences.Mods can often cause these as well, if they aren't perfect - are you running any mods, or did you have any mods installed when you were playing before? Thanks for the help.'

It seems to also generate a Minidump log as well. Can anyone help please? EDIT: The unfortunate result of opening up Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion. And the initial problem with the other game was only very minor and I think it finally stopped somehow so now its only Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion acting up.

Saved Minidump.' ?I'll look up how to check for them. And see if it's happening.They happen occasionally, more often in multiplayer games and in larger games, but not more than once per 20 people. 1 game usually.

If it's happening to you more frequently than once every few hours, the problem is most likely insufficient hardware, drivers, or video card, or so I've heard from others with similar experiences.I have 8 Gb of ram, an i5 2500k, and two gtx 570s in SLI. So I hope it's not a hardware thing.I will try the game in non SLI and see if that affects anything, and I will also try to move the game from the storage hard drive to my solid state, see if that affects anything.Mods can often cause these as well, if they aren't perfect - are you running any mods, or did you have any mods installed when you were playing before?

Sins of a solar empire rebellion mod minidump fix

If so, try disabling them.It was doing this with the normal game, but occurs more frequently with the star trek Armada 3 mod.If there was anything left over of Sins from your old installation, it might be interfering with Rebellion if you tried to install it to the same folder.There isnt, it's a whole new computer. However I might have changed which hard drive it was installed on, so I will have to make sure it's fully wiped, then reinstall it, just to make sure. I'll do this before I try it on the SSD too.If you still have the non-Rebellion version installed, you could try playing it for a couple hours and see if anything happens - if you want to do this it would narrow down the source of the problem.I don't recall it happening with the non rebellion version (and I played the huge maps a few times with a number of computer opponents).

Sins Of A Solar Empire Troubleshooting

Also, all the posts I found were relating to rebellion, not the earlier versions.Try reverifying the game cache to make sure everything was downloaded correctly.I'll look up how to do this.Even with a perfect computer and a perfect installation, minidumps will still happen frequently enough to be annoying, and they still give any information (to us users) about what went wrong. This is what happens when companies focus on new releases so they can get profit instead of making sure that their existing products aren't broken.That's the feeling I am getting. Seems like some sort of error in the game that can't handle certian things and just ends up crashing the C runtime environment. I'll try the things mentioned above and report back. 'Saved Minidump.' ?I'll look up how to check for them. And see if it's happening.Does it say 'Saved Minidump.'

When it crashes?2000 results, just from Sins players with minidump problems. See what I mean.It was doing this with the normal game, but occurs more frequently with the star trek Armada 3 mod.Even just installing mods can sometimes unbalance the unmodded game, in my experience. I remember trying out a mod some time ago, but once it installed, my game never ran correctly afterwards (even when the mod wasn't enabled), until I had completely uninstalled and reinstalled Sins.I'll look up how to do this.Right click game in Steam library, Properties, Local Files. Does it say 'Saved Minidump.' When it crashes?Nope, nothing.

Most of the time there is the 'runtime error' window, and sometimes the game just quits.2000 results, just from Sins players with minidump problems. See what I mean.Yeah, but if it's supposed to be a pop-up, I'm not getting it. Also, all my games were single player, if that matters.It was doing this with the normal game, but occurs more frequently with the star trek Armada 3 mod.Even just installing mods can sometimes unbalance the unmodded game, in my experience.

I remember trying out a mod some time ago, but once it installed, my game never ran correctly afterwards (even when the mod wasn't enabled), until I had completely uninstalled and reinstalled Sins.I'll try the base game for a while, and see how often the game crashes (after an uninstall and reinstall).Right click game in Steam library, Properties, Local FilesThanks. About to start trying stuff, just got back from errands and such. No, that's quite unusual. You've probably found the problem. Does it say which file is corrupted?Maybe that particular thing just happens to have been downloaded wrong multiple times, or there's a permissions problem (like some of the bad files being set to read-only and not being deleted when you uninstall/reinstall), or you have a problem with the HD (let's hope not).Something often recommended for other players with crash problems is to turn all Effects off and all quality settings to Low.

Sins Of A Solar Empire Rebellion Codes

That probably won't help because it seems the problem is in the game files, but it's worth a try.

Sins Of A Solar Empire Rebellion Minidump Fix 2

Hey ShadowMastiff, I was going to try to check out your latest dome/CTF mode before this happened. I'm partly glad that this is a pretty common problem though. Hopefully someone will figure it out soon.Hopefully it will be fixed farily quickly SuperWaffles. Otherwise, I hope you like your new 'friends'.I hadn't thought of that Astax, though I don't see where they could mess up with that. Most games crash before intro videos when something goes wrong with initial file load, so I assumed that was the problem.On another note, has anyone succsessfully updated to 1.14?

Sins Of A Solar Empire Rebellion Minidump Fix