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Advanced Gravis Mousestick Joystick Adb Controller For Mac

Advanced Gravis Mousestick Joystick Adb Controller For Mac

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  1. Advanced Gravis Mousestick Joystick Adb Controller For Mac Pro
  2. Advanced Gravis Mousestick Joystick Adb Controller For Mac Download

@briandamico also you can exit the game by pressing your + & - buttons at the same time. For Sale and Trade. Log in to post new content in the forum. Advanced Gravis MouseStick ADB Joystick - Like-New in Box by ajerimez » August 7, 2008 - 12:13pm: 1: by sonnyhung. ORIGINAL MAC OS Install Discs by sealinc » December 19, 2012 - 2:09pm: 2.

I tested out X-Wing last night, and thought I'd post my experiences. X-Wing Collector's Edition does NOT include Tie Fighter, advertising on Amazon to the contrary. The PC version does, but the Mac version doesn't. I was slightly miffed at this, but I'll probably buy Tie Fighter seperately anyways. X-Wing runs very well booting into OS 9.2.2. You might have to manually change the screen size/resolution to fit your needs (Or have Happy Gear do it for you), but the game runs just fine.It is my recommendation that you use Happy Gear as opposed to USB Overdrive. OSB Overdrive did not work.

Happy Gear did. Happy Gear gave me a warning that I needed the JoyManager extension to be activated or the program won't work. This is a lie-the latest version of Happy Gear incorperates the extension into the program, so there is no need for the extension-which is good, because the latest version doesn't come with one.X-Wing did NOT work when I set up Happy Gear to run via JoyManager. Therefore, I set it to work as Mouse/Keyboard, which did work. However, the program will crash if you set your initial joystick opitons as being beyond certain parameters.

After some experimenting, I found that the following options are the LIMIT of what will work for my Extreme 3D Pro Joystick -Joystick -4-Way Hat (1) -Buttons (8)-My joystick has 12 buttons, but setting it to 12=crash. Once you get past this window, you can add extra functions which I then assigned to my other buttons, z-axis and slider,and the program will accept them. X-Wing MUST be set to Use Mouse with this set up-nothing I tried got X-Wing to see my joystick as a joystick.

Do NOT use your joystick like a mouse while moving around on the ship. This may seem obvious to everyone else, but I was trying to use my joystick like a mouse and failing miserably. Then I read the Read Me's that are included, and in the Read Me that deals with joysticks, there is this sentence tucked away that clearly says use your mouse to navigate while onboard the Independence.

Be sure to set up your system in a way so the mouse deson't move once you start flying. If you move the mouse at all, your fighter will go in a certain direction and not stop unless you settle the mouse. For example, if I move the mouse just a bit to the left, I won't touch the joystick and the fighter will spin left-you need to make sure the mouse doesn't interfere. I ran into a problem where even with my mouse disabled, my fighter kept spining left.

I think it has something to do with my z-axis rolling set up. I may have to disable rolling, which would suck, but on the other hand I can't be fighting against my own controls to fly either. I am really bad at this game. That's all I had time for last night. I flew the first training mission and just tried out all the controls. I could use like 30 more buttons, but that's ok.

The hat switch worked. The slider worked. The buttons worked.

Except for the drifting left problem, the rolling and movement worked. I am pleased. Tonight I will try it out in Classic. You can't fix it. It doesn't work in Classic, as has been stated on this thread. So who'd still have this code?

I think Brad Post worked on the original ports (I'm not sure if Aaron Giles was at LucasArts at that point, though I think X-Wing and Tie Fighter were done by TotallyGames.). I'm guessing some direct-to-screen trick was used to speed up game play. I'm sure if it was changed to used standard calls it'd work fine in Classic. Alas, I'm sure this code has been lost to the sands of time (or at least, the LucasArts vaults.) Ben. If by DVD's, you are referring to one of the best sci-fi series of all time that forced me to watch like six episodes a day, they are supremely awesome!

Thanks SO much for allowing me to do business with you! Yeah, I could see playing it with a mouse-my concern is that my joystick is broken in under a week. The Extreme 3d Pro doesn't seem to be able to fly straight anymore, but i am currently testing to see if its my mouse, the game or my joystick. It just doesn't make any sense that the flight sim starts and my fighter IMMEDIATELY goes to the left.

Advanced Gravis Mousestick Joystick Adb Controller For Mac Pro

Sadly, I must report my X-Wing experience as a failure. While the game runs just fine once booted in OS 9, I have found no way to fix the 'veering to the left' problem. Here is what I tested, using a Logitech Optical Mouse, a Logitech 3d Extreme Pro Joystick, and HappyGear: -No Joystick plugged in, no HappyGear: Ships veers left automatically, can stabilize moving mouse to right, but any movement to left with mouse causes it to continue.No Joystick, No HG, No Mouse: No problem, except that I can only use my keyboard to move.Joystick, HG, Mouse plugged in: Veers to left.

Advanced gravis mousestick joystick adb controller for mac pc

I can stabilize with my mouse, but once I touch the joystick it goes back to the left.Joystick, HG, No mouse plugged in: Veers to the left, no way to stabilize.Joystick, HG, Mouse, SET TO JOYSTICK MODE WITHIN X-WING: I actually got X-Wing to somehow recognize my joystick AS a joystick within the menu options, as opposed to tricking it into thinking it was a mouse. However, even after numerous attempts at calibration, and unplugging my mouse once combat started, there was no way to control the craft-my ship would spin out of control at barely a touch. At this point, I have no idea what to do. I have reinstalled the game twice, but to no avail. There are NO drivers for this product that are for the Mac. I'm thinking that maybe a new joystick will work, or maybe my optical mouse is screwing it up. If ANYONE has gotten this game to work with a joystick under OS 9, PLEASE let me know how you configured your usb program as well as X-Wing.

Advanced Gravis Mousestick Joystick Adb Controller For Mac Download

Otherwise, I don't think I'll be able to play it. Hmmm.I seem to recall something about a joystick patch for X-Wing. Let me see now. Looking through my old game files, I found a 1.02 patch.

This is the Read Me included: Installation: Double-click on the self-extracting file xwing1.02.sea. This will create a folder called 'X-Wing Update 1.02' that contains the new application, updated mission and Read Me files, and a default joystick setting for the Gravis Firebird. Drag the new X-Wing application into the X-Wing folder you created when you did your original X-Wing install.

The system will ask you if you would like to replace the old X-Wing that is there, and you should answer 'Yes.' Drag the two folders named 'Classic' and 'Mission' into the subfolder 'X-Wing Data' in your original X-Wing installation folder. Double-click on the new X-Wing application and you're ready to play!

A Wise man once told me,' Ask, and you shall find.' He also told me, 'Boy, you are really stupid.' Of all the things I thought to do, looking for a patch wasn't one of them. However, once I installed the patch, i found my little navigation problem disappeared. Many many thanks! I will now bring justice to the world, strike fear in the hearts of tyrants, and see if I can sleep with Princess Leia!

Ahhh.but in your defense.this is a really old game. You would think that the version on the CD should not require a patch, it should have already been fixed. I may have to dig this little gem out myself. Its been a while since I've blown up any tie fighters.and if you figure out the key command to sleep with Leia, make sure you pass it along.:-). Also, if you do a bit of digging, there are numerous guides for help with the missions.

I may even have a digital or hard copy somewhere. When it comes time to blow up a star destroyer, aim for the circular 'planetariums' on top of the ship. Also, make sure you destroy any Tie bombers ASAP, they will seriously screw up your day.

There is a key command to check the status of your current mission. Learn it and use it periodically. I spent over an hour one night destroying tie fighters and bombers and finally gave up on the mission, only to discover that the bombers had slipped through the defenses and destroyed one of the shuttles I was defending. I actually own both strategy guides-not a bad read if you are a Star Wars fan. Sadly, neither of them can change the fact I am the worst EVER at flight sims.

I still haven't grasped the changing of power settings, like shields, lasers or engines, and at the moment I can't get my joystick to perform a proper roll, though I know it can be done. However, it's perfectly ok-I'll just become the lowest scoring cadet the Rebellion has ever seen! Besides, they let me play with my own starfighter, and I'm hoping The Battle Cat can teach me a few hints on seducing a certain fictional Princess!.

A bump from the past! Just got a copy of this game and figured it would be the easiest way to play it without resorting to Windows. The 'updated' Windows versions lack the charming dynamic music of the earlier releases, and they're a bitch to get working on modern systems.

This game is much older than I remembered. I was thinking the Mac version would just plug and play on my 'new' G4, like a Playstation game. I had forgotten the weirdness with Input Sprockets, Classic OS, screen resolution switching, and all the other hassles.

At least my 'new' Mac is old enough that I can boot into native OS9. I know aobut USB Overdrive and have begun mapping my USB controller to the mouse/keyboard settings. Any other tips for this old game on a (somewhat) modern system?

Advanced Gravis Mousestick Joystick Adb Controller For Mac