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Application Octet Stream Pdf

Application Octet Stream Pdf
  1. Application/octet-stream Pdf Php

I am trying to open a PDF file with content-type application/octet-stream within Internet Explorer using Adobe Reader version 8 and above. However a File Download - Security Warning is displays which provides two options namely: Save or Cancel.

The data is sent as an application/octet-stream. And one of the functions allows you to download a PDF of a 'DepotShippingLabel' which we. About 'application/octet-stream' MIME attachments. A MIME attachment with the content type 'application/octet-stream' is a binary file.Typically, it will be an.

The filetype is also unknown. However, when I tried openning the PDF file used above, with a different version of Adobe Reader (e.g. Version 7), in the same IE browser version, the PDF file can automatically be opened from the browser (no File Download box displayed). Does anyone know workarounds for this issue? I need to automatically open a link with a PDF file (content-type: application/octet-stream) using Adobe Reader versions 8 and above in Internet explorer.

I have tried doing this using versions 8, 9, and X or Reader but it did not automatically open the PDF file. It only displayed a File Download - Security Warning with options Save or Cancel only with File type Unknown. This is not happening in Adobe Reader version 7. In the case of Reader 7, the PDF file (content-type: application/octet-stream) automatically opens in Internet Explorer. I am not sure if this is caused by the content-type though.

This code works great on everything but IE. IE throws up the Download File banner and/or forces open/save dialog. Still looking for a solution; any help would be appreciated. Response.Clear; Response.Buffer = true; Response.AddHeader('Pragma', 'no-cache'); Response.AddHeader('Expires', '0'); Response.AddHeader('Content-Length', bytFile.Length.ToString); Response.AddHeader('content-disposition', 'inline; attachment;filename=' + sFormName + '.pdf'); Response.ContentType = 'application/pdf'; //Response.Charset = '; Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); Response.OutputStream.Write(bytFile, 0, bytFile.Length); Response.OutputStream.Flush; Response.OutputStream.Close; Response.Flush; Response.Close; Response.End.

I am struggling to open an important pdf file I have on my ubuntu 12.04, which is probably created on MS Windows(assuming since it has some formatting issue). When I open the file using a PDF viewer it show me this error: File type unknown (application/octet-stream) is not supported I tried to open it using console, too. Here is the output: ➜ pdf: gnome-open mypdf.pdf Error: May not be a PDF file (continuing anyway) Error (30): Illegal character ' Error: PDF file is damaged - attempting to reconstruct xref table. Error: Couldn't find trailer dictionary Error: Couldn't read xref table ➜ pdf: evince my pdf.pdf Error: May not be a PDF file (continuing anyway) Error (30): Illegal character ' Error: PDF file is damaged - attempting to reconstruct xref table.

Application/octet-stream Pdf Php

Error: Couldn't find trailer dictionary Error: Couldn't read xref table Can anybody help me with solving this issue and to fix this? Thanks Surya.

Application Octet Stream Pdf